Christmas Surprises

This was definitely the year of Christmas surprises.  Gram decided a few weeks ago that the best gift she could give Gabe was Bryson.  So she started plotting with Katilyn and I and the end result was that Katilyn, Seth and Bryson flew up on Christmas Day to surprise Gabe.  We had big plans to have Bryson jump out of a box yelling "Surprise!" but apparently getting up at 2am on Christmas morning in order to fly all the way up here is a little exhausting and Bryson was not really interested in getting in a box at that moment.  So instead Gabe opened an empty box and was very confused until he saw Bryson standing in the kitchen with Auntie Katilyn and Uncle Seth.

The other big surprise was Great Gram.  Katilyn didn't know that she was flying up too.  She just got on the plane to sit in the same row as Katilyn and Seth after they'd already boarded.

Nathan didn't know any of this.  He just came over to our house for Christmas dinner and found Great Gram sitting in a chair and Seth, Katilyn, Bryson and Gabe hiding in the bathroom.  He was definitely the most surprised out of everyone.

All that to say that our house was suddenly filled with lot of people and it was a wonderful day to spend Christmas.

I didn't take hardly any pictures and I definitely don't have any pictures of dinner.  As I sat down to eat I thought about taking a picture, and apparently I should have.  But I do know that Gramps got lots of pictures and still needs to send them to me...

We did manage to do our Christmas Day puzzle.  This one was ridiculously hard and someone *cough* Gramps *cough* decided to hide the last piece, so that was fun.

Gabe got a new Catboy costume for Christmas and he's now introduced Bryson to the joys of dressing up.  Bryson has either been Superman or Catboy for the majority of the week they've been here.  In this case, they told me that they were Superman and Catboy, ready to fight badguys and rescue people who have spiders on their lawnmowers.

Josy and Great Gram have gotten in lots of snuggles.  Unfortunately, Josy is way more wiggly than he was last time he saw Great Gram, which makes things difficult.

I ordered Gabe a Christmas ornament and when it got here the package was empty.  Gabe was devastated.  I actually didn't know he could get his lip out that far and he was legitimately sad, even though this picture looks like he's faking it.

Katilyn, Nathan and I went out to lunch.  Since Matt wasn't here, Nathan drew a picture of him so he could be with us in spirit.  And then we texted Matt to make him jealous.  That may not have been kind...

Other funny things...  Gabe got a baseball tee for Christmas so we took it over to Gram and Gramps' garage so he could practice.  He was actually really good at hitting it off the tee.  And now he asks all the time to go to Gram and Gramps' house so he can play baseball.  Unfortunately I only have video, not pictures to post about that.

Oh, and at one point Gabe and Bryson were in the bathroom by themselves.  I went in to check on them and as soon as I opened the door Gabe yells  "we're making good choices!" Um, I find that hard to believe when you announce it like that...


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