Random Gabe Stories

We were listening to Angels We have Heard on High the other day.  After a moment, Gabe asked me why the angels were singing in a plane.

At church he asked me "why did Jesus die to pay our taxes?"

Gabe was having trouble putting on his socks because "the helium is not in the back of my foot."

We were discussing Gabe's birthday party and his pinata and trying to figure out how authentic that was.
Gram:  Do they have pinata in Mexico?
Gabe:  No, they don't.
Gr:  How do you know that?
Ga:  Because they don't have pinatas or balloons or party stores or cake or ice cream in Mexico.
Gr:  Do you know what Mexico is?
Ga:  No.  Not at all.

G:  Mommy, I have a story about the Three Little PJ Masks.  Do you want to hear it?
M:  Yes
G:  Actually, I don't know how it ends and I have to figure that out.
A few minutes later...
M:  Did you figure out how the Little PJ Masks ends?
G:  No, I'm going to think about it at the fieldhouse.  But I do have another story.  Do you want to hear it?
M:  Definitely
G:  It's about Pay Patrol.  Once upon a time...  Actually I don't know how that one goes.  But I do know that something scary happens.  A monster comes and eats them all!  But not Chase.  And he had a gun and a flashlight and he put the flashlight in the gun and he shines the light in the monster's eyes and kills him.  And then he yells at them to come out of the monster's mouth but they can't because they're in tiny pieces.  So he calls Ryder to put them back together but he can't because he doesn't have any tools.  But Rubble also didn't get eaten and it was his job to put the Paw Patrols back together.

Apparently I have a little story teller on my hands...


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