Poor Josy...

Josy has a problem. I pulled out all of the 9 month clothes, since the six month ones are starting to not fit anymore. However, when I put him in them, neverfail he ends up like this...

I’ve finally figured out that it’s not Josy, it’s the clothes. Gabe stretched them all out. Usually with baby clothes, the baby outgrows them before he actually destroys them, but Gabe wore his clothes for so long that he’s actually worn them out. I think he was wearing his 9 month clothes for close to a year, which is why all of the shirts are so stretched out. He also didn’t start wearing them until after his birthday... So, guess who will be getting new clothes for Christmas???

I know you’re not supposed to compare your kids. I do. But sometimes it’s just hard. Josy is officially 16lbs. Gabe was 16lbs at 15 months (11 adjusted). And Gabe is 24.5lbs now and he’s just about 4. So, um, soon Josy will be giving Gabe his hand-me-downs...


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