Christmas Tree Hunting

One of my favorite Christmas traditions every year is Christmas Tree Hunting. Is there anything better than traipsing up a mountain and through the woods in potentially terrible weather in search of the perfect tree? We have so many good memories from years past: Grandpa falling in the creek up to his chest, sliding down the icy road and almost sliding in the ditch, Nathan flipping over the gate every single yeat, pulling Bella up the hill in a sled, Nathan singing God Bless America at the top of his lungs in a birthday video for Great Gramps... It’s the best.

My dear husband does not appreciate this family tradition. He comes, but there is always excessive complaining. He’s been sick all week and I secretly think he’s been faking it just to get out of going...

That said, he did not feel well this morning and he needed to conserve his energy to make it through the rest of the day, so I let him sit this one out. Plus, Gramps was here. There’s no way I could have gone without Pat and without Gram and Gramps... 

We had a great time. We found a great tree and Gabe and Gramps chopped out down together.

Gabe was so proud of himself. He was a little trooper too, never complaining about the long walk up the big hill. 

Afterwards we went and got coffee (or hot chocolate). This might be the only part of the tradition that Pat was bummed to miss...

And now we have a beautiful tree on our porch just waiting for us to decorate tomorrow!

But that was only half of our exciting day. When we got home both boys went down for a nap because I had to clean the house while Pat was out shopping so we could get ready for Gabe’s birthday party!

Six of Gabe’s friends came over this evening for his birthday party. There was cake, ice cream, pizza, presents, piñatas and lots of time for playing. 

And that is the only picture I have of the party that does not include a bunch of other kids. But it was a lot of fun, the kids had a great time and that silly piñata lasted until the very last string was pulled...


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