My Birthday

For my birthday this year, Pat and my parents got me the best birthday present ever: a weekend away with just Pat and no kids!

It was wonderful! We can’t nicely leave the state yet, so we flew up north and got a cabin on a river. And yes, I made him take all sorts of pictures with me, partly to prove that I do have the ability to take pictures of more than just the boys...

Saturday morning, we got up and went for a run. This in and of itself should be shocking. In the last six months, Pat has gone on a crazy diet and made some serious adjustments to his eating habits, which resulted in losing 75lbs and suddenly having energy. It’s weird. I’m definitely not used to this side of him, but I’ll take it! Well, suddenly now he’s started running and I have a new running buddy and we are now one of those couples that goes on vacation and goes running together.

The main event for the day, however, was a flightseeing trip over Denali. We were going to see the mountain and then land on one of the glaciers. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate so instead we got a flightseeing trip over the lower mountain and a lovely view of clouds. Oh well. It was fun, but a bit disappointing.

Afterwards we drove up to a bridge that Pat went to when he was a kid. It also had a great view of the mountain...but was covered in clouds.

Sunday morning we got up and went on another run.

Then we drove down to see Pat’s parents. His sister ended up coming over for awhile and it was the first time the four of them had been together in many years, so I insisted that they let me take some pictures.

Then we had dinner with Uncle Tim (and I didn’t take any pictures of that...) and stayed with him for the night. Then we did some shopping and flew out on Monday.

It was a short trip, but it was really nice to get away, just the two of us for a few days.


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