Out of Quarantine!

After two long weeks, Gram and Gramps are finally out of quarantine! So naturally we had to have two dates with them today: first a donut date and then a park/dinner date. I think it’s safe to say that everyone is happy to be together again.

They also brought over Josy’s birthday present. Both boys thought it was wonderful and we had many conversations with Gabe that it was Josy’s present and he needed to let Josy play with it. As soon as Josy was in bed, however, Gabe couldn’t stop playing with it.

Also, this morning I was making breakfast and I had to get something out of the fridge. Josy was with me and he grabbed the whipped cream, which I figured he couldn’t hurt so I let him play with it. Then Pat decided that it he was going to play with it, he might as well get the whole experience.


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