Catching Up to Christmas

I have a bunch of pictures and since I didn’t do a good job of posting daily, I get to catch up all at once. So these are all the random happenings up through Christmas Eve.

There was so many snuggles with Great Gram.

Josy was helping wrap presents and was super proud of himself for bring the present in and putting it in the tree.

Josy has gotten really good and eating his bowl of cereal.

Gabe wanted Gram and Gramps to both put him to bed, so this is how they carried him in.

Bryson got a new fireman costume from his other grandparents, so he wore it all day. We really just had a pirate and a fireman running around the house yelling “Ahoy Matey!” Gabe also asked me “Mom, do you know what would be a huge, gigantic help? Could you get my fireman costume for me?” How old is he???

The boys may be starting their own street bike gang???

Josy was sure that he needed to ride the balance bike. I ended up pushing him around awhile and he thought it was great. But I still need to get those pictures from Gramps...

Bella was helping Gabe ride Bryson’s pedal bike. Gabe going to need a bit more practice though...

The big boys found the tire pump. Obviously they had to use it to put out fires.

Fred, the snowman, spent a lot of time on fire and needing to be put out.

Great Gram just had fun watching all of the chaos.

...and taking pictures of it.

All ready for the Christmas Eve service!

We definitely have to end service with family pictures. With Bella being gone so much of the last year, our Christmas Eve picture from last year is the only one I have of the five of us. (As long as you don’t count my pre-dinner selfie while we’re all sitting at Thanksgiving dinner...)

And now we have two pictures of the five of us...

Saying goodnight to Great Gram before heading to bed on Christmas Eve...


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