The Train Park

It’s pretty sure that the train park is one of Gabe’s favorite things to do in Phoenix. He really doesn’t want to go to any other park and would be perfectly happy if that the only place we visited. 

We did our best to avoid all crowds and groups while Great Gram was here, but she flew home the day after Christmas, so we decided that it was a good day to hit the train park.

Josy was a little nervous about the train, but sitting on Daddy’s lap made it all better.

Gabe was not interested in the carousel. When we pulled up, the first thing he announced was that he wasn’t going on the “ferris wheel.” But we figured that Josy might like it. He was definitely nervous, but once again, holding onto Daddy helped a lot.

Before Great Gram left, I did need one more picture of her and Gabe. Gabe insisted on having all of his pirates weapons...


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