Pandemic Birthday Parties

There are many things in life that are difficult in a pandemic, but the big one we’ve been struggling with for the last week has been how to do a birthday party. I asked Gabe who he would want to invite if he could invite however and he had a long list of kids: school friends, church friends, friends who haven’t left the house in 8 months, friends who moved... I can’t do anything about inviting people who no longer live in town or who aren’t even comfortable doing a playdate at the park, but I think we figured out a pretty good way to celebrate in a way that everyone enjoyed and was comfortable with.

On Sunday, we had his “fake birthday” (since it wasn’t on his actual birthday). He invited three friends who were either from church or no longer going to school with him. I made a cake, the boys dressed like pirates (the girl couldn’t make it, which was probably okay since I’m not sure she would’ve appreciated the pirate obsession in the same way...) and there was a lot if running around and burning off sugar. We made personalized english muffin pizza and everyone had a wonderful time.

On his actual birthday, we had a party at school. There was a treasure chest pinata (full of candy that looked like treasure and gold coins), cupcakes, pirate tattoos and a pirate episode of Blippi. Even the toddlers got in on the pinata fun. Josy had a bit of a rough time since he couldn’t figure out why I was at school, but didn’t just take him home. One of the toddler teachers ended up taking him into the toddler room to play and he missed out on some of the fun, but he was happier.

In the evening, we let Gabe open his presents. Shockingly, except for one adorable sweatshirt from Great Gram, every single present was pirate themed! 

His favorite present though might be his parrot from Josy, who he has named Perry. Apparently he’s Pete’s cousin and he’s permanently attached to Gabe at the moment. I mean, every pirate has to have a parrot, right???

How on earth this child is five, I will never understand. But he is the best. 


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