Just the Two of Us!

Last Christmas, my parents gave us the gift of a weekend away. They were going to keep the kids for the whole weekend and we were going to fly to Seattle just the two of us. Unfortunately, that was supposed to happen in March, so it didn’t happen at all. So, instead, they kept the kids last night and Pat and I spent the last two days in Scotsdale, just the two of us. It was wonderful!

We ate all sorts of good food.

We walked along the canal.

We tried indoor skydiving. (Unfortunately it just convinced Pat that he really does need to go skydiving. While it was fun, I didn’t instantly decide that I need to jump out of a plane...)

We went to a Brazilian Barbecue place and they asked if we were celebrating anything and we told them that our anniversary was next week. So they decided that we should celebrate that.

Yes, I did make Pat take a picture in front of a cactus. And yes, he did complain. But he will also thank me for it later when I put all the pictures in a book and he can remember all the fun we had.

We went on a run down to the Arizona Falls. It would have been more fun if my shin hadn’t still been bugging me after the fall on the hike the other night...

And we went go carting. I was also informed that I drive too slow. It’s good to know that driving racecars is not in my future.

Then we had a disappointing dinner at a Sushi/Ramen place, before coming home to get the boys to bed. 

It was a lovely break and it was great to get to do some fun new things with Pat. Plus, it’s good to remember how much my husband knows about me. We were thinking about playing laser tag with VR helmets. While I was in the bathroom he got all the info and when I came out he informed me that they only had zombie games and he knows that I don’t do zombies, so we weren’t doing it. (He’s right. I can’t do zombies. I can’t watch tv or movies or anything with zombies. I just can’t.)

I picked a good one.


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