A Pirate Cave

A couple of months ago, I decided that it would be fun to make Gabe a pirate curtain for his bed. I figured that it would give him a fun reading area for book nap, plus it would just be fun. While we were in Arizona, I found some adorable fabric and I just needed to have a chance to make it. Well, since Gabe and Pat have been skiing on Sundays, Josy and I have had the day to ourselves. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when ski lessons are over because I’m enjoying our Sundays. Anyway, Josy takes a three hour nap in the afternoons, which has quickly turned into my sewing time.

I finally finished my table runner experiment, so this week it was curtain time.

I managed to get it all done before he got home, which meant that I got to surprise him and surprising Gabe is the best. His enthusiasm makes it all worth it.

Needless to say, he loved it. And that makes all of the seam drama (a different story...) totally worth it.


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