Picture Dump

Gabe had his first ski lessons! (Yes, it’s blurry. But this is the first picture I actually have of a Gabe skiing and Pat was under strict instructions to take a picture for me, and this is what I got. Also, it was so wet that his camera fogged up...)

Both boys woke up with epic bedhead.

This is our routine, every single morning and I love it.

A lot of sword fighting happens these days.

Josy is ready for school, with a lunch box and his blanket!

Gabe drew this great picture of Captain Gabe and his pirate ship. It even had cannon balls and a plank!

Sorry kid. You may be growing up fast, but you are still not ready for your own computer...

We played at the mall for awhile while Gabe was at gymnastics and found all sorts of fun things to play on.

Gabe is working his multitasking: reading a book, watching tv and snuggling with the cat at the same time!

My belts and Blippi glasses are now part of the pirate costume.

A friend was getting rid of some books and she gave us a stack, including a new pirate book. Gabe was thrilled!

Actually, they were both pretty excited...

We have these two spyglass are the house. They’re pretty cheap and have both broken, so there are just spyglass pieces sitting on my counter all the time. I got tired of them yesterday and told Gabe to take all the pieces and put them together into one working spyglass or else I would throw them all away. He came up with this:

Daddy and Gabe have been reading Redwall every night, usually after Josy is in bed. Last night Josy was still up and wanted in on the action. He definitely thought there should be more pictures though...


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