Gabe Comments...

G: When I grow up, I’m going to be a the last warrior! But I think what I want to do when I grow up is to bury dead people in the ground. I think it would be fun. But a lot of work. I’ll have to take a lunch break.


In the middle of dinner, Pat and I were discussing normal dinner-time things, when suddenly...

G: How many kids should my wife and I have?
M: I think that’s a conversation you should have with your wife.
G: Maybe 10,000.
M: I think that may be a little high.


G: I'm trying to track down a mystery.
M: What is the mystery?
G: Why is the ocean and water and salt blue, but snow is white?


I made Gabe a graham cracker frosting sandwich and he thought it was wonderful and declared we should have it every day. Then he added a piece of cheese to it.


Gabe’s new favorite thing to do is hand you a sword and announce “I challenge you to a duel!”

I challenged him the other day and he responded with “I’m honoring to accept!”

We’re raising a classy pirate. 


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