A Few More…

A few more conversations that I forgot to add to yesterdays post…

Two months ago, some friend’s adult son was killed in a car accident. His name happened to be Josiah. We talked about it a lot as we were all trying to work through the grief of that whole thing. But we haven’t talked about it in awhile. Then the other day we were taking about God’s plans and how God can use bad things that happen in our lives and that good things can come out of them, even though it’s hard.
M: Gabe, can you think of something hard that’s happened to you?
G: Ummmm, oh, like when Josy died?
M: What? Yes, that works be really sad, but I meant something that actually happened.
J, bursting into tears: Me not dead!!!
M: No Josy, you’re not dead.
G: No, the other Josy,
M: What other Josy?
J, still sobbing: Me not dead!!!
G: No, your friend Josy.
M: Oh, the other Josiah???

That conversation was a couple of weeks ago and Gabe still talks about when Josy thought he was dead…

Speaking of theology, Gabe asked me the other day why God created satan when he knew that he’d turn away from him.

Josy is now completely potty trained. He’s no longer even wearing a diaper at night. This is great, except that he can’t get out of his bedroom when it’s closed, so he still can’t get to the bathroom. Most of the time he’s fine, but I have gone in to get him up from a nap and found that he’d had an accident because I didn’t hear him when he called and he couldn’t get out of his room. Well yesterday he figured out how to get out of his room, which will make a huge difference. So this morning, Pat and I were asleep all by ourselves. We were just barely waking up when Gabe came into our room. That’s pretty normal, so I scooted over, like I always do. Then a few minutes later, Josy opened the door and climbed in. That was the first time he’s done that. But he left the door open and then soon Freddy followed and he snuggled up, right on my face. So I managed to have all four boys snuggled in my bed this morning. It was pretty great, except for the part about not being about to sleep because a cat was asleep on my face…


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