
After a quick family run, Pat ran home and the boys and I stayed and played at the park for a while. Gabe really wanted to play soccer, but all we had was a basketball that he found at the park. So we played soccer with that for awhile.

It was going fine, up until Josy decided that the ball was really a chair.

That was fine, until Gabe wanted to play more soccer and Josy didn’t want to give up his chair…

Eventually they got that all resolved. Then Josy decided that “me a pengin!” (Penguin)

“Me a fish!”

I have no idea where he got that, but whatever. Sure kid. Lay on the concrete floor and pretended to be a fish…

Then we decided to head home, but we didn’t have the double stroller, so they decided to make one. Gabe was tired of always being on the bottom, so Josy got a turn.

Silly boys…


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