An Ordinary Day

Life is never boring around here. It might be an ordinary day, but it's not boring...

This morning, I was just about to leave for work and Gabe made a shocking discovery. If you pick up the toilet lid, there is a whole pile of water to play with!

It's a good thing we leave the bathroom doors shut so that the cat can't play in the toilet either...

Bella had a dentist appointment today, so I pulled her out of school for the appointment. She missed math class, which she didn't mind at all... It did mean that I didn't get a lot of hours in at work today, but that's just my life right now.

Tonight Pat went to youth group, while Bella and I dyed Easter eggs. We've been doing this together for 5 years and it's fun to see how she's grown over the last few years.

Bella had swimming lessons, so Gabe and I went for a run while she was at the pool. 

Before a run, it's important to make sure that you're well hydrated and have a snack.

It was a pretty ordinary day. But that's what my life is at the moment. And it's pretty great.


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