Bloody Lip

Gabe got his first bloody lip today. Given how often he goes diving headfirst off of things or into things, I'm surprised that this is the first one. I see a lot of ER visits in my future... That said, he's getting a lot better about going feet first off of things, so that does help. But seriously. I gave birth to a crazy man! A very sweet, loveable little crazy man, but he is a little daredevil.

I think we officially have his first word! He says "I", which is either Hi or Bye, and he always says it with a grin and a wave. He is very proud of himself for his waving abilities too.

Eating has gotten super fun too. He'll still eat anything, he's just getting more creative in how he eats. For example, this was tonight...

Gabe wasn't feeling well yesterday, so we spent the afternoon at home. Naturally, we spent the day like this:

He's a very good kitchen helper.

And just because sometimes we need a good Mommy-Gabe picture...

In other news, Pat and Bella just got back from Bella's last swimming lesson and she passed her class!


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