Breakfast Fun

This morning I was quietly eating my cereal. Gabe was in his highchair eating his banana. Suddenly, I heard a funny noise and looked up. My sweet baby was not eating his banana. He was doing this:

He did that entirely on his own and was clearly very proud of himself.

The last few days he hasn't wanted to feed himself too much, so I've been back to feeding him. This morning I put a piece of banana on a spoon with some yogurt. He's been eating this combination for months, but apparently it was not working for him today. He would eat the yogurt, but spit out the banana in his hand. Sometimes he's eat the banana anyway. Sometimes he'd throw it on the ground. Silly kid. 

After an entire meal of this, I ended up with a little boy that looked like this:

It's a good thing we had a little extra time this morning, because someone needed a bath.

He had do much fun in the bath, that it almost made me wonder if he made the mess on purpose...


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