A Helpful Little Brother

Gabe found Bella's bag in our bedroom. Since he's a very helpful little brother, he wrapped the strap around his neck and tried to bring it to her. Too bad she'd already left for school...

Don't worry, it was also wrapped around his arm and I made him take it off of his neck the moment he was out of my sight.

In other news, Gabe doesn't know any pf his animal noises, but he does know what a car says. He'll pick up one of his little cars, drive it either on the ground or on his belly and say "vroom, vroom." He also says vroom while sitting on his lion walker and the rocking horse, so maybe it's for things that go? Regardless, he definitely knows the word "vroom."

Apparently he decided that we needed to go somewhere? He did this all on his own...




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