New Things

One of the best parts of having a baby is watching him learn all sorts of things that we take for granted. Tonight at dinner (while completely covered in food) Gabe discovered that his voice sounds different when he covers his ears. And it's even more different if you stick your finger in your ears. He spent a long time saying "Hi Da!" with his fingers in his ears, making confused faces.

He's also discovered dogs. He hasn't spent much time around dogs, since we don't have one, and up until now, his major dog experience has been getting licked by an enthusiastic pug while stuck in his carseat. He wasn't so sure about dogs after that. That has all changed. At the graduation party we were at on Sunday there were a couple of dogs running around and Gabe thought they were wonderful. He would literally try and squirm out of our arms so that he could watch them. Now every time that he sees any sort of dog, he freaks out. He points and screams "Da!" and flaps his arms until we have all seen the dog. It doesn't matter if it's big or small, he knows it's a dog and he must freak out about it! It's pretty funny.

Last night Gram watched the kids so that Pat and I could go to dinner. Apparently while we were gone, Gabe was thirsty. He found his empty sippy cup, handed it to Gram and then cried until she filled it up for him. 

17 months old, and he still fights in the wine rack. He is such a tiny little kid... I think he has a pair of 3 month pants he can still wear. They have to be mislabeled, because that's a bit ridiculous...

This morning Gabe decided to play in the cabinet in the bathroom. He actually crawled all the way in, just so that he could get the candle and bring it out. Apparently he really needed to play with the candle...

He also knocked over the lamp yesterday. Sweet. He actually cracked it. It still stands up, but it is now broken. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is just the beginning of my broken things around the house...

Life with Gabe is never boring. He definitely keeps me on my toes, but he's so much fun!



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