Rock Band
Nothing overly exciting has been going on over here. At least nothing worth blogging about. This is pretty much the only picture that I've taken this week:

Bella is finishing up her last two weeks of elementary school, so there are all sorts of end-of-school activities. Gabe has been rather cranky and clingy and I'm not sure if it's because he's still getting over being sick last weekend or that 5th tooth that just popped through today or if he's just in a new awkward phase. Pat and I started a Couch to 5K program, so we've been doing a bunch of running. We got someone to come over and take out the stumps of the trees that Pat took down last year. Gabe has been very excited to watch the excavator at work. He and Gramps stood on the porch watching him for at least a half hour the other night.

Bella is finishing up her last two weeks of elementary school, so there are all sorts of end-of-school activities. Gabe has been rather cranky and clingy and I'm not sure if it's because he's still getting over being sick last weekend or that 5th tooth that just popped through today or if he's just in a new awkward phase. Pat and I started a Couch to 5K program, so we've been doing a bunch of running. We got someone to come over and take out the stumps of the trees that Pat took down last year. Gabe has been very excited to watch the excavator at work. He and Gramps stood on the porch watching him for at least a half hour the other night.
So, lots has been going on, it just hasn't been blog worthy. Until today...
This year, Bella has been doing Rock Band at school. Today was their last performance as part of the school talent show. So Gabe and I decided to go watch.
The teacher said that they'd perform between 9 and 9:15, so my goal was to be at the school about 8:30.
Pat forgot to set his alarm this morning, so we started out the day on a bad note, getting up 25 minutes late. Sweet. I took a shower and got Gabe up. Then I started on breakfast. Every day, I eat a bowl of cereal. That's been my routine for as long as I can remember. Well, today, I decided that I needed to eat more yogurt, so I put yogurt on my cereal instead of milk. That turned out to be a very wise decision... Halfway through breakfast, I discovered that someone had a dirty diaper. As I was changing it, I realized that this was one of those situations that could only be cleaned up with a bath. So Gabe got a bath while I ate breakfast in the bathroom. When I got him out of the tub, I realized that it was now 8:22 and I still needed to get Gabe dressed, feed him breakfast, make both of our lunches, brush my teeth, finish my breakfast and be out the door in 8 minutes. Sweet. I put Gabe in the high chair and fed him while I ran around like a crazy woman. I ended up throwing all of my sandwiche fixings in my lunch box, which drives Pat crazy because he comes home from work to discover that I have the entire block of cheese, but that was my only option today. I also had to take the rest of my breakfast to work, so once again, it's good that I used yogurt instead of milk this morning.
We managed to get to the school at 8:50. We were later than I wanted to be, but we did not miss the rock band! Actually, they were a bit behind schedule, so we got to watch a lot of the acts. There are some pretty talented kids at that school! Gabe really liked the acts that were a bit more active. He really liked the hockey demonstration and the boys doing the wrestling moves. The singing acts did not hold his attention, no matter how good they were...
The rock band eventually played at 9:40, so we really didn't have to run around quite so crazy, but we had no way of knowing that. The band sounded reakly good and it was fun to watch Bella in a band. Seriously, she's growing up way too fast...
I finally got to work at 10:40. It's a really good thing that I've got such a flexible boss...
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