My High School Kids
Several years ago, I worked with the high school youth group. The kids that we had were a really great group. They were all solid kids, most of them has their heads screwed on straight and they were a lot of fun to be around. I even took 19 of them to Nicaragua six years ago, which was incredible. I'm pretty sure that when I near the end of my life and I look back, taking high schoolers to Nicaragua is going to go down as one of the highlights of my life.

The problem with working with high school kids is that they graduate high school, go to college and then get jobs, many of which are out of state. And while that's wonderful for them, it's lame for me because I like them and would like to have them all around always. Unfortunately, that's not how life works.
One of the girls in that group was Olivia. Well, this weekend she got married. Because they're such a solid and tight group of kids, all of my kids came home this weekend for the wedding. It was so much fun. I only wish that I could have spent more time with all of them, but once again, that's not how life works. Also, I was reminded that I am in a much different phase of life than they are (and a much different phase than I was in when I was on youth staff) when we were all dancing and I was there in the middle with my 11-year-old, while my husband snuggled our poor sick baby...

Yes, poor Gabe decided that the wedding reception was a great time to get a stomach bug. He definitely was not his normal happy self, which was a bit strange. Nathan and Cassie were up for the wedding and they hadn't seen him since Christmas, so it was sad that the one day that they could see him, he wasn't himself.
Sunday he still wasn't feeling too well. He was keeping food down so we went to church, but we spent the service like this, which is definitely not normal for him.

He's doing a bit better now, but he's still not back to his normal self. Hopefully that'll come very soon...
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