3 Nice Days...

We had three nice days after two months of pretty much straight rain and it was amazing! I was actually tempted to take off work, but I’ve been out of work so much with Bella being here and quarantine that I figured I should probably actually be at work...

Wednesday night we got a picnic dinner and all headed out to the beach. It was amazing! (Except for dinner. We got a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and it was so overcooked that it was hard to eat. We’ve never had that problem before...) But the weather was warm and people were playing in the water and it felt like a legit summer day.

All Josy wanted to eat was watermelon. Well, watermelon and rocks, based on the number of times he dropped his watermelon on the ground and then kept eating it...

Gabe decided to play in the water.

He was loving it until he slipped and fell all the way in and then he was done. But it was pretty close to bedtime anyway, so we took that opportunity to just head home.

It was a perfect summer night.

On Thursday Pat ended up working late and we had some appointments, so we couldn’t play too much, but I told Gabe we could eat outside. I meant under the porch, but he wanted to eat in the grass, so we did that instead.

And now, two days later, I have no idea what we did on Friday to enjoy the weather. Apparently that it why I need to take pictures... But it was really nice to have a couple of days of actual summer.


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