A Week Off...

We got back last Monday, but Pat still had the week off work and the boys had to be out of school for the week, so we’ve just been home for the week. I tried to get as much work in as possible (as I don’t have piles of leave to burn) but tried to balance that with also having fun with the kids and letting Pat do some projects he needed to do.

The pirate love is still strong and Pat insisted that I make him a spy glass.

Working from home is hard...

Josy finally mastered the art of walking and is very proud of himself!

Um, I’ve never dealt with a regular sized child before. Gabe couldn’t reach a doornob until he was three.

Someone is a little tired...

It was a nice and quiet week. I definitely would not to cut all of our vacations short just to have a week at home, but it was nice to have a little downtime before heading back to regular life.


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