Donnelly Creek

We were all sad to leave Chena Hot Springs, but since we don’t have unlimited time, we had to keep moving. We decided to stop by a couple of lakes and do some fishing, but we didn’t get anything. We did manage to share one lake with a moose though...

Eventually we got back in the rv and then stopped by a creek to roast some hot dogs for lunch.

Then we started driving again and made it down to Donnelly Creek for the night. I tried to take family pictures, but pictures with these three can get interesting...

The next morning I got the boys out of the rv while Pat worked on getting the rv ready to go. (Cleaning with the boys around is, well, not particularly helpful...) I was hoping Josy would sleep in the stroller, which he did not, and the stroller is not exactly an off road stroller, so we definitely had some trouble. But I really wanted to see what was around the corner, so I told Gabe that I was going to run ahead real quick and check, since the stroller wasn’t going to make it. (Don’t worry, they weren’t really out of sight!) As I left, Gabe yelled “Come back soon! I love you!” It was adorable. 

And then Gabe decided that he was tired and I needed to carry him and sometimes this is just what you do when you have two tired little boys...

We kept driving through some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I even made Pat pull over so I could take pictures.

And then we stopped at a place very dear to Pat’s heart...


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