Catching Up on the Weekend

I forgot a few things from the last post. First of all, while we were at the beach, Josy decided to take his first steps. He’s been doing a really good job standing up and even take a step just to fall into my arms. But this is the first time he’s taken a step (actually 2!) and then stayed standing up. Ironically enough, his first steps were on a very unstable rocky ground. Silly child...

Secondly, I remembered what we were doing on Friday night. Josy and I were shucking crab and Pat was mowing the lawn. Gabe came in sobbing saying “Daddy’s vacuuming up the flowers and that’s my favorite part of summer!”

Third, I took the boys to the grocery store and Josy was really hungry and a little cranky. He was playing with the Mac and Cheese and he was happy at the moment, so I let him play with the box in the carseat. That may have been a mistake...

In other weekend news, on Saturday Pat and Gabe decided to go fly Gabe’s kite for the first time. It turned out to be a perfect kite flying day.

Meanwhile Josy and I went for a run. The lake was super high, so we went to see it. Josy didn’t really appreciate it, but it was impressive. The river was actually so high that we could hear it from our house.

We went to church for the first time in months, which meant that I had to get the boys ready for church (Pat left early so he could help usher). Everyone was just about ready and I yelled to the boys that we needed to leave and I looked down and saw Josy looking at me like this. Sure. We definitely need to take drills to church.

Josy is starting to talk. This week he’s started saying “Hi!!” and tonight he looked through the chair slats at Pat and said “Boo!”

Gabe came home from school with this drawing. It’s a No Parking sign!

School sent me this. Silly Josy...


  1. This is to Gabe from Grandma Jan. I will plant you a pot of really pretty flowers that you can put on your deck this summer and your dad will be forbidden to vacuum them. I will tell him myself and he will be in big trouble with me if he messes with them. Y
    ou just have to remember to water them and cut off the flowers after they die. Well, I may have to come help you with the cutting but I know you can water. Lots of love, Grandma Jan


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