The Last Days

After lunch with Grammy and Grandpa, we headed to our last campsite. I have no pictures of it because it was a random rv park with piles of rvs and close neighbors and nothing about it was picturesque. Plus, it was raining a bit and the only reason that we stayed there was that it was reasonably close to where we needed to drop the rv off at in the morning. Search and Rescue was also trying to fish someone out of the lake and I can’t get any information about whether or not they found the person. So it was eventful, and also really not.

Anyway, we packed up most of our stuff and then Pat and Gabe finished The Hobbit and we all went to bed. Then we got up early and dropped everything at Uncle Tim’s house, while Pat dropped off the RV and picked up a rental car. The rest of the day was pretty low key. The boys took 3 and 4 hour naps. Uncle Tim and I did some shopping. We had dinner with some friends. And Gabe and Uncle Tim did a lot of playing.

That may have been Gabe’s favorite part of the trip. He spent the whole week talking about his excited he was to see Uncle Tim.

After a night at Uncle Tim’s house, it was time to fly home. It was a fun trip and we learned a lot about RVing and would do things a little differently next time, but all in all, it was a great trip.


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