Catching Up On Life

Just catching up on life... Nothing too crazy is going on. The boys continue to grow and keep us entertained. I actually moved both boys up to another size of clothes. Josy is up to 18 months and Gabe is wearing 3T! I’m glad because I was legitimately concerned that they might both be wearing 2T at the same time... Also, Josy popped two new teeth, his upper ones next to his eye teeth. I didn’t know he was teething, so he’s handled this round much better than the last. He’s up to 6 on top and still just 2 on bottom. He’s also getting much better at telling us what he wants. He’s not talking much (unless you count his favorite word: huggie), but he can communicate. He’ll hand you things or make your hand do what he wants. He’ll get his shoes and coat and hand them to you and then walk to the door. He’s tried to pick up my feet to get to me to stand up. And he can definitely understand what we’re telling him and respond appropriately. If he’s thirsty he’ll dig a sippy cup out if the drawer and hand it to you. Then if you tell him to go get the one in the other room that already has water in it, he’ll wander off to go find it. So he may not be talking, but he’s making huge leaps in his ability to communicate.

The other one, though, has no problems talking...

G: What is that thing? It’s not a banjo or a car.
M: Not a banjo or a car?
G: No, a tacar.
M: A guitar.
G: Yes, a guitar.
<a few minutes later>
G: What was it again?
M: A guitar
G: I was born not knowing how to say that word.

M: Maybe we could do our Operation Christmas child box.
G: Yeah, lets do that. Speaking of hot chocolate, I'm thirsty.
M: We weren't speaking of hot chocolate.
G: Well, speaking of hot chocolate, can I have some tea?
M: Sure
G: Lemon tea would be fine for me.

G: Nena thinks she’s the boss of us.
M: That’s not good. No, she’s not the boss.
G: Our Father who art in Heaven is the boss of us.

G: Mom, can you imagine a chair so comfy that you couldn't get out?
M: That sounds so nice!!
G: No. What if I couldn't get out? We should have destroyed that chair.

He’s very concerned about the crack in my windshield and informed me that "Mommy, while Josy and I are at school playing, instead of going to work, maybe you should go get a new windshield."

I dressed them in plaid shirts and overalls and they were so cute that I needed a picture. But someone insisted on having his blanket...

We went up to the ski resort to get Gabe measured for skis and decided to do some sledding at the old tubing hill. Gabe thought it was great. Josy decided that sitting in the sled wasn’t as much fun as it was last time, and he only wanted to walk or be carried. We only made it down two runs because carrying him up the hill was hard. He kept sitting in my lap at the bottom of the hill, like he wanted to go down again, but he refused to sit in the sled by himself so I could pull him up the hill. Meanwhile, Gabe thought it was great, but decided to bail out halfway down the hill every single time “so I don’t crash.” Well, bailing out is a good skill too...

Gabe’s hair was sticking straight up and I told him we had to cut it because he looked like a Who.

We pulled out the craft box, which is mostly full of Bella’s old craft stuff. It turns out that Josy really likes playing with playdough.

Gabe has made a new house rule: no eating pet fish. I’m really hoping Lucy listens because he would be devastated if she ate Shelley. But I have my doubts.

Pat and Gabe had a special Daddy/Gabe weekend and went to visit Grammy and Grandpa Jim.

About once a week we go visit Aunt Jan so Gabe can pick beans and lettuce that are growing in her green house in her garage.

How old does he look sitting there like that???

And that’s pretty much what we’ve been up to...


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