Decorating for Christmas

Since Bella was here, we decided to decorate for Christmas. Normally that would be something you really should do after the baby is in bed, but apparently I didn’t think that part through until we were opening up boxes and Josy was super excited about it. We only had one casualty and I’m the one that dropped it, so I can’t even blame anyone else...

Bella found the Santa hat and beard that we got for Max, but Lucy was not having it. Bella also refused to put the beard on her.

Josy really to help me put up the lights. But he was also very confused about what was happening and wasn’t sure why I kept climbing in the chair. It was a lot to process for the little guy.

I took down one of the pictures in order to hang up a Christmas picture in its place. This was just too much for him, so he carried the giant picture back to its place in the hallway so I could put it back. Silly kid.

In the middle of decorating, Gabe let the cat outside and came in with a package from the children’s ministry at church. It had candy canes in it, so I let the two big ones have a candy cane (and Gabe was still running in circles 8 hours later...). Josy just decided that he needed to eat Bella’s and luckily she was willing to share.

Bella and Gabe really wanted to go through the Christmas ornaments, but I wouldn’t let them touch them until Josy was in bed. That just seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. It was bad enough that Gabe found a pirate ornament from the year that we went to the pirate museum in St Augustine and was sure that he needed to keep that ornament in his bedroom. Sorry Gabe, but that’s not how commemorative Christmas ornaments work... 

Then I put him down for a book nap and I did some sewing while Bella played video games. That worked out great until the power went out. So instead, the three of us played Uno by candlelight.

Luckily the power came on before church (we’re going to Saturday night church for now), so we were able to welcome our new pastor with a regular service. The power was out long enough that we were starting to wonder if his first service here would end up being a candlelight service, which would have definitely been an interesting first service...

After church and dinner we introduced the kids to a classic movie: The Gods Must be Crazy.

All in all, it was a nice, low-key, Christmasy day.


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