Growing Up Too Fast Part 3

More Josy-is-growing-up stories... He’s at this age where he’s making brain connections so fast you can almost see it.

On Thursday he was digging in the diaper bag before school and he pulled out a little book that attaches to a stroller. Since we were getting shoes and coats on to leave anyway, I told him that he could bring it in the car. Then it got dropped and I forgot about it. We got shoes and coats and he picked up his blanket. I told him that he couldn’t bring his blanket in the car, so he put it in the landing of the stairs. (It actually took him a long time because he had to make sure that each piece that was hanging down over the step was up on the landing and it’s a big blanket and he has little hands...) Once the blanket was situated, I opened the door and told the boys to come so we could leave. Josy walked by me all awkwardly, but I figured I’d just load up the car and them come back and get him. I put the lunches in the car and when I turned around, Josy was standing on the porch, holding his book.

Then on Friday we were about to leave again and I asked him if he wanted to bring his book. He ran off to the living room, and came back with his book.

Yesterday Pat was working on a sheet rock/mud project, so he had a mess and was cleaning it up in the trash can, which happens to be located between the kitchen and the dining room. Josy thought it was interesting and was trying to help, but Pat told him no. Just then lunch was ready, so I told Josy to get in his chair. Rather than trying to squeeze by Daddy, he ran off the other direction, through the living room, and got to his chair.

Seriously, he’s growing up entirely too fast. Also, he’s just so adorable that sometimes I can’t handle it.


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