Josy’s First Haircut

I did something drastic this last weekend: Josy got a haircut.

It was time. I’d trimmed his bangs a couple of times, but the big problem was the back that was just getting crazy long. So I gave in and made an appointment.

We figured it would be easier for Josy if he could watch Gabe first, so Gabe got a haircut too.

He did great. He sat on my lap nicely until the very end. It wasn’t until she tried to get the last couple of slips in that he decided he was done.

Then he decided he needed to help Daddy sweep the floor, since the kids really does love to sweep...

He seriously looks like a different kid. It’s been a few days and I still don’t always recognize him. It also makes him look so much older! I probably shouldn’t have pulled out all the 2T clothes this weekend too. It’s too much more me to handle. My baby is growing up way too fast!!!

The haircut also makes him suddenly look like my brother Matt. I never thought Josy looked like him until now...


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