Quite the Week

It has been the week around here. I spent all day Sunday skiing, which I haven’t done in years, and I was completely worn out when I got home. So I started the week tired. I was also crazy sore and I think that today is the first day that I can walk without limping first.

Late Sunday night I got a phone call from a friend’s daughter saying that my friend was having a rough time. I won’t get into details here, but I’ve spent the week trying to help them out, making her dinner, taking her kids, checking in on her, trying to help out as much as possible.

Then on Monday Pat left for an out-of-town work job. So he’s been gone all week. Then we got a massive snow dump. Thankfully, we have a neighbor kid who really likes to use his snowblower and that’s saved me from shoveling my driveway multiple times.

And then on Wednesday, daycare called and said that Josy had a fever or 100.5. 100.4 is not a fever, but 100.5 technically is. So I took him home and had to keep him home for 72 hours. But he’s not sick. At all. I don’t know how they got that temperature, but he’s fine.

So yeah. It’s been a lot. But Pat comes home today and then I’m going to go in a run or take a nap or something all by myself...

Gabe’s new pirate accessory is an earring...

I made Broccoli Cheddar Soup for dinner. Josy loved it. He made a giant mess, but he liked it. And if you don’t practice using a spoon, you’ll never learn...

Gabe helped me pick up so we could run Rex the Robot (the roomba). I hadn’t thought of filling up the filling up the car, but I’m going to need to remember that one.

These two definitely have fun playing together.

Josy wanted to play in the snow, but he also really didn’t want to. It was too deep for him.

Of course they wanted to swing. They love the swings...

They both fit in there...

A new earring option.


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