RV Trip: Day 2

From Eugene, we headed out to the coast, and our first stop was Florence. We were going to make ourselves some sandwiches for lunch, but then we saw a sign for Moe’s and we decided to stop. Bella had fallen asleep while we were driving, so she chose to sleep instead, but the boys and I were hungry. Then we discovered that Moe’s had an hour wait, so instead we found a different restaurant and just had a lesson in being flexible…

After lunch we drove to the Sea Lion caves. By then Josy had fallen asleep and Bella hasn’t eaten lunch, so she stayed behind so that she could make herself a sandwich and Pat, Gabe and I looked for sea lions. There are definitely perks to traveling with a teenager…

After getting our fill of sea lions, we went out to the sand dunes. The rest of this trip is going to have to be pretty awesome in order for something else to top that as the best moment of the trip, because we had so much fun. We attempted to fly the kite (although it was a little too windy), we made sand avalanches, and tried to bury Gabe. Josy was torn between loving the wind and being nervous because it was so strong, but by the end he was playing just as hard as everyone else. He was also concerned because the sand left covering Bella’s shoes, so he kept dumping them out for her. He wasn’t concerned about any one else’s shoes, just her…

Reluctantly, we decided that dinner was important, so we headed to the rv park so I could make dinner.

I planned all of our meals around the instapot. That way, we can just get to where we’re going, throw in dinner, and call it good. I picked recipes, made massive grocery lists and have spice packets all made up, so it’s literally just “chop the onions and throw in the spice packet and go.” So, as Pat got the rv all situated, I chopped things and got ready to throw them in…only to discover that our instapot was missing the inner pan. I literally could not cook anything. At all. So, we unplugged the rv, packed everything back up, drove to the store and bought a new instapot, only to turn around, drive back out, and start the whole process over. It was lame. But Pat bought the instapot that he’s been begging me to let him buy anyway, so I think it worked out for the best, even if it was obnoxious and dinner ended up very late…


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