RV Trip: Day 4

We woke up to a beautiful morning on the beach in Brookings, so Gabe wanted to eat breakfast on the beach. This seemed like a great plan, so I grabbed both boys and we headed across the parking lot to the beach. Josy was not happy about this plan. He screamed all the way across the parking lot. He screamed when I put him bench to eat and promptly tried to climb back over the barricade to go back to the rv. A bunch of people were out walking their dogs and all the days were concerned about the screaming baby and came out to give him kisses to cheer him up. It did not work. But I got a very good example of why you can’t believe everything you see on social media.

Instagram perfect picture:

Real life:

Eventually he stopped screaming and came and ate his breakfast and then instantly life was better. Then he was perfectly happy to play on the beach.

Also, there was someone wandering the beach in a pink bunny suit. I’m not quite sure what that was all about…

We packed everything up and headed over the state line into California…where we promptly got stuck in a construction zone and sat on the highway for a very long time. Eventually I got up and made lunch on the middle of the road. There are perks to the rv…

We finally got moving and we were so close to our destination that I was still eating my sandwich in the parking lot. But we made it to the Trees of Mystery!

Bella chose to stay in the car and she totally missed out because the rest of us had a lot of fun. 

That had a canopy walk that Josy was too short for, which meant that Gabe got to do it twice. He didn’t mind at all. Clearly he did not inherit Gram’s fear of heights…

We found the Cathedral Tree, which is apparently a popular wedding site.

Then we took the gondola through the trees to the top of the mountain.

We had the option to take the gondola back down, but instead we decided to hike down. It was pretty steep, but the boys are troopers and we made it down without any drama.

Once down the gondola portion of the trail, we found a a few more amazing trees…and Bigfoot.

The whole thing was a lot of fun and a great introduction to the redwoods.


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