RV Trip: Day 8

Sunday was a travel day. We stopped by the store to buy some extra fruit (Pat goes through so much fruit it’s ridiculous!) and get a coffee before we headed north, back into Oregon. It was pretty crazy to drive through some areas that were on fire just a few days earlier.

After a few hours, we made it up to Crater Lake. Once we got to the park, there was a turnout for the rv park, but when I’d made my reservation, they’d said that it was up by the lodge, right on the rim of the lake. So, we drove up to the lodge and decided to check out the lake before we settled into the rv park.

It was amazing! I’ve always wanted to see it and it did not disappoint.

It was pretty foggy due to the smoke, so we didn’t get the best view, but it was still amazing. After walking around a bit, we went to the lodge and discovered that the rv hookups were all down at the rv park, not up by the lodge. There was a bit of grumbling over the fact that we had to go back down to the rv park, but we headed down and got all settled in for the evening, planning to do more exploring in the morning.

If only we had any idea what the next two days would hold…


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