Two Very Exciting People...

At school on Thursday, someone pulled the fire alarm. This meant that the whole building had to be evacuated and the firetruck had to show up to disable the alarm. When I went to get Gabe, all the toddlers were standing on the streetcorner watching the firetruck. I went and got him and we watched the firemen for a few minutes. A couple were working on disabling the alarm (in full gear), while a couple more were directing traffic. They waved at Gabe, so we walked over to say hi (to the traffic directors, not the guys working on the alarm). I asked Gabe what he wanted to be when he grew up and he excited told the fireman that he wanted to be a “firetruck man.” The fireman asked him his name and gave him a fistbump.

Gabe thought it was wonderful. If you ask him about it now you will get a very exciting story about “fire alarm say beep! Beep! Beep! Really loud. We have to go through the other building. The fireman come and rescue! I say ‘I grow up I gonna be a firetruck man!’”

Thursday was a very exciting day.

On Friday, Gabe and I flew to Phoenix. Before I put him to bed Thursday night I told him that I would get him up early and then we would go get on the airplane. When I walked in, he was sleeping on Bella’s floor with his head on the mattress and his body on the floor. It was funny, so rather than waking him up, I stopped to get a picture. As I pulled out my phone he sat up and said “we go on airplane” and walked out the door. No “good morning”, no hug, no “hi mommy”. Nothing. He was getting on the airplane.

We had a pretty uneventful day of flying. Gabe was convinced that the baby in front of us was crying because she wanted to wear her seatbelt, which made the mom laugh. He also spent some time telling his doggie how much he loves him.

By the time we got on the plane in Seattle, poor Gabe was so tired as he hadn’t slept at all that all he could do was wiggle and randomly fall over. He couldn’t walk without loosing his shoes and he lost them probably 30 times. The guy behind me on line to get on plane told me that we probably could have gotten on the plane early since he’s a handful. Well, he’s not normally a handful. But he’s been awake for almost 12 hours, so naturally when he walked down the jetway he needed to swing from the handrail...

But when we got on the plane, the most exciting thing happened. 

Seriously, a fireman and a pilot in two days? Does it get better than that???

Also, it took him an hour into the flight before he couldn’t handle it any longer and he finally fell asleep. The poor kid was exhausted...


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