11 Months

These pictures are a pretty accurate picture of Josy’s life at 11 months: into everything, can’t hold still and a big brother who loves him so much that he just might smother him. 😂 

Walking will be coming soon as Josy is pushing furniture around the house and even standing without holding anything sometimes. Right now he just crawls everywhere, including exciting places like the bathroom, where he crawled yesterday, shutting the door behind him and opening the dryer drawer, locking himself in. It’s a good thing Pat was home to get him out and now the bathroom stays shut all the time. Diaper changes are nearly impossible as he refuses to sit still long enough to do it. He’s did pop a second tooth this week, although two more are very close. We made it an entire month without an ear infection, although it probably helped that we were in quarantine and not exposed to any bugs... And he definitely says Mamamama as he crawls for me when he’s upset, which I love! 

How on earth has he been here 11 months???


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