A Sandbox

Two summers ago (I think? I don’t think it was just last summer...) we went over to Grandma Jan’s house for the 3rd of July fireworks. Since Gabe and Bryson were there, she’d gotten out a bunch of construction sand toys and made them a little sandbox. Since her grandkids are all much bigger and wouldn’t care about sandboxes, she gave the sandbox to us after the fireworks.

Gabe loved it. Unfortunately, so did the neighborhood cats who decided to use it as a litterbox. Needless to say, Gabe has not been allowed to use the sandbox for awhile...

He’s been asking a lot lately about when we’ll get him new sand. But since the sandbox has no lid, we figured that cats would just keep pooping in it, so refilling it would be silly. Instead, I found one on Buy/Sell/Trade last week so we could surprise him.

This morning Pat went to run some errands, one of which was to go buy some sand. Gabe was out in the yard fishing and I was feeding Josy when Gabe walked in.

G: Guess what Mom! I got all of the catpoop out of my sandbox!
M: Okay. Where did you put the catpoop?
G: Right next to it.
M: Oh. How did you get it out?
G: I dug around and I found the poop and I scooped it out.
M: Um, okay. Did you use a shovel or your hands?
G: My hands.
M: Okay. I’m going to need you to wash your hands.
G: And then I’m going to play in the sandbox!
M: Um, I know you want to play in the sandbox, but can you wait until this afternoon?

While Gabe was napping, Pat and I got the sandbox out and filled it up. We only had one bag of sand in it before Josy crawled in to play with it. He was definitely excited about it.

As a side note, someone has been caught standing up all by himself a couple of times, I just haven’t gotten it in camera. Also, he popped his first top tooth at the hospital on Thursday and has been so much more pleasant ever since!

Then Pat and I stood in the backyard for a long time talking through potential home improvement projects and things, while Josy explored. He’s decided he can crawl on the grass now, although he crawls like a bear so his knees don’t touch. He also played in the park for the first time.

Eventually, Gabe woke up. He wasn’t as enthusiastic about the sandbox as I thought he’d be, but to be fair, I think he was still half asleep.

Pat also hung the swings on the park so boys spent a long time swinging and laughing hysterically. I’d wonder what the neighbors thought, but who can complain about little boys laughing???

All in all, it was a pretty good day.


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