Life in Pictures

Josy is getting big enough to zoom cars around the house.

Gabe and Emma (the nanny) went for their daily bike ride and did some rock weight lifting.

Working from home isn’t so bad...

This is the longest he’s laid on his back for a long time. It helps that he’s afraid of the grass.

He is too cute.

We pulled out the bubbles. He was not impressed.

I asked Gabe to put away the shoes. I came out to this.

Josy and Lucy are such good friends, even though one of them insisted on poking the other one in the eye...

We let Lucy go outside. She loves it and is terrified at the same time. She was on the porch when the mailman came, so naturally she freaked out and ran into the house where it was safe. I also rescued her from under the porch twice.

We watched the neighbor cut down a tree today. Is there any better entertainment for a little boy???


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