
Back at the beginning of March, Josy had his fourth ear infection and ended up with shots to try and kick it. It wasn’t fun. We met with the ENT and he was scheduled for tube surgery the next week. Unfortunately, that’s the week that all of the craziness started and the OR shut down for all non-essential surgery. Unfortunately for us, ear tubes were deemed non-essential.

The advantage of quarantine is that no one has been exposed to any bugs, which meant that Josy’s ears have been good for about two months. But that’s not going to last forever, so as soon as they opened the OR back up, we jumped at the chance to get the surgery. Gabe had it done and it was a game-changer for him and we’re ready to be done with ear drama.

Unfortunately, having surgery in the middle of a pandemic means that things are more complicated, one of which was that Josy had to have a covid test at the drive up clinic. Originally they’d told me that he’d need to stay in his carseat and if I asked nicely I could sit in the backseat with him. I was not happy about that plan. But when I got there, the cute little fireman who was probably all of 24 that was running the place told me that I could get him out and put him in my lap. Yes, we will do that. 

Josy survived and I survived and the test came back negative, so that was good. That meant that surgery could actually happen.

We got to the hospital bright and early and they got us in right away. Josy was a champ and charmed all of the nurses, many of which were missing their grandbabies and were perfectly happy to have an adorable baby to play with. The surgery itself only took like 10 minutes and the rest was just waiting for Josy to wake up. He still wasn’t completely awake when they brought him out and I kindof felt like I was taking care of a drunk newborn, but whatever. He recovered quickly and we were home by 10. They he slept off the rest of meds and woke up a much happier baby.

Needless to say, it was a pretty rough day on me, but we all made it through and I’m glad that’s over with.

Thankfully we have Emma because she took Gabe for the day. Since they didn’t have to work around Josy’s nap schedule, they were able to go to the lake and play and she bought him a new fishing pole.

He loves that fishing pole! All he has done for three days is practice casting in the yard, which usually results in catching Lucy. And for all that practice, he’s gotten pretty good. He’s casting a long ways and it’s going in the direction he wants it to. We have had to rescue him from getting tangled up on fishing line a few times though...

And to cap off our traumatic day, Gabe was working on scrubbing out his undies in the toilet (long story...) when I suddenly heard a flush and then a scream. “Mommy!! My undies!!!” I went flying into the bathroom and yes, he had flushed his undies down the toilet. When I got there, he burst into tears and sobbed for at least 20 minutes. He was so upset, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him cry like that. “I don’t want them to go down the pipes! They’ll go to the special place and I don’t want them to go there! I’m never going to see them again! I’m so sorry, I’ll never do that again! Daddy will be so sad!!!” I had to reassure him that I wasn’t mad, it was just an accident, but he told me he was crying because he was so very sad.

Poor kid. He did eventually recover, but it was a rough afternoon for him.


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