Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day was beautiful and warm and sunny, so it was a perfect day to spend outside in the grass with Gram and Gramps. To be fair, it was also the last day that Gram and Gramps were going to be around for a couple of weeks, so we definitely wanted to enjoy it.

Somehow, in spite of the fact that it was Mother’s Day, Gramps was the most popular, even with the car.

After they left and the boys had naps, the four of us went to the park and Josy got to try out the swings for the first time. He didn’t scream, so I’ll take that as a win!

Apparently I should have turned him the other direction for better pictures...

Gabe also wanted to race down the slide. Clearly Josy didn’t really care...

All in all, it was a nice, quiet, lovely day.


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