Lots of Catching Up

Lets see if I can catch up on a month of pictures…

Josy loves his overnight oats so much he has to double spoon it…

He’s also gotten really good at doing the dishes.

Sometimes church gets a little bit interesting…

This one thinks that he’s going to start driving. Um, no kid.

I’m not quite sure why he needed to drink his orange with a straw, but why not?

I love this boy.

Also, I love how Gabe cares for Josy.

Josy loves his Auntie Laurie.

I walked outside and couldn’t figure it why the cooler was right there. Then Gabe popped out. He did not know that it was on the porch because Pat had used it to thaw out the turkey and hadn’t washed it yet…

I heard Josy awake and I asked Gabe to go in and keep him company until I got in there. I walked in to this.

While Gabe was out of school we went on a working coffee date. It worked out well, actually. We both got our work done and Gabe are so much sugar that he ended up laughing hysterically, entertaining the entire place. Or annoying. I’m going to choose entertaining.

Now that Gabe can ride his bike, we decided to go on a ride around the neighborhood. It was a lot of fun and I’m excited to be at this phase of life.

After a rough evening, I was pretty frustrated with everyone. Then I walked back in the dining room and saw this: Gabe was feeding Josy his last couple of bites so that he could have his half of the dessert.

Gabe and Cathy went out on an ice cream date.

We had a tough lessons. Gabe accidentally threw away the ring that one of his old daycare teachers had given him. He was crushed. I told him that if he wanted it back, he was going to have to dig it out. After digging for awhile, he gave up, asking me to please message the teacher and ask if she had another one. I told him no, but offered to help him dig. We found the ring. But it was a good lesson in love. Sometimes love means digging through the garbage for someone.

The pirate love is still strong over here.

I didn’t hear much from Gabe for awhile, so I went to check on him and going this. Apparently not having regular naps anymore is hard.

Josy wanted to put on his apron and he wanted it like that.

He insisted on bringing his coffee to breakfast. 

I was trying to unload the dishwasher. These two decided to nap in the kitchen.

He didn’t last long. But he was super excited to sleep with Freddy, even if it was just for a moment.

My mom brought over a bunch of the tapes that I listen to as a kid. I almost threw them away, but I didn’t have the heart to. So I going a tape player and more I feel like a kid again. Also, Josy has already pulled the tape out of one cassette…

He is just too cute.

We were on our way to school by way of the capital building and Josy informed me that “lay down.” Good thing there was no one else wandering the halls…

But he insists on sitting in the House chambers every day.

Lucy loves our new bookshelves that Pat made. I think she also enjoys the fact there Freddy can’t reach her up there.

We went to a birthday party and Josy was done.

We’ve reached a fun new phase where I can run and Gabe can ride his bike with me. We made it 1.3 miles and he even made it .5 miles before he had to stop for a break, so I’m super proud of him. Before I know it, I won’t be able to keep up with him!

And that’s what’s been going on the last month and a half…

Although there have been a few fun conversations:

M: Daddy and I promised to love each to death do us part. Do you know what that means?
G: No
M: It means we’ll love each other until one of us dies.
G: You have to send me a message if that’s Daddy because he’s older.


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