Pumpkin Carving!

On Sunday, Pat and Bella went to see a movie at the drive in, so the boys and I decided that it was time to carve pumpkins.

It went, well, about as good as you can expect with a 5 year old who desperately wants to carve one all by himself, but who picked a giant pumpkin the knife had trouble getting through and a two year old who wants to do everything his big brother does. But we had fun.

Josy was excited to carve his little pumpkin too. He was very proud of that little pumpkin!

I ended up doing almost all of the carving, but both boys definitely tried.

Josy tried to see how many times he could get the eye in and out.

Silly pumpkin was too big for Gabe to pick up to get it back outside, so he had to roll it.

They turned out pretty good!

And then we ate toast and popcorn and watched Sean the Sheep. A perfect Sunday night.


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