My Little Chef

The other day, Gabe was reading a magazine and found a recipe that he really wanted to cook: Pumpkin Rolls. Next to it was a recipe for Broccoli Salad, which he thought looked delicious as well. So I told him that he could be in charge of making dinner and he could make that…and then Dad would make flank steak or something else as well that had some protein in it.

Yesterday Gram and Gramps came over for dinner after being gone for a couple of months, so it seemed like a good time for Gabe to do the cooking.

We started it as soon as we’re got home from school, since the the dough had to rise multiple times.

We had some extra help…

Then we let it set for an hour, which turned into an hour and a half since Pat had to work late and I had to go to get Bella and Josy at school. As soon as we got home, we shaped the dough (and had some help from Josy…)

Then Gram and Gramps showed up, which is good because as soon as we started making the salad dressing I discovered that we were out of milk and had to go to the store. But when I got back he mixed up the dressing and I started cooking the rest of dinner. As soon as the rolls were done rising, I baked them and he put in the pecans.

Then he and Gram put them all into the bowl to put on the table and we enjoyed a lovely dinner of Pumpkin Rolls, Broccoli Salad and Flank Steak, most of which was made by Gabe. He’s quite the chef because it was a very delicious dinner.


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