So Very Silly

Josy has been all sorts of silly this last week. I don’t know what’s going on in his little head, but it’s hilarious to watch!!

He didn’t want to eat his peppers, so he put them in his water cup.

One of his teachers, Christina, gave him a pony tail and he thought it was so much fun that he refused to let me take it out. “Stina. Pony. Keep.”

He wanted more rice and refused to believe that it was all gone.

“Cook. Feet. Mommy.”

He may sleep with too many stuffed animals…

One morning he got super excited about the boot dryer. I picked him up to get him dressed and he hugged it and carried it to where we were having our clothes race.

And I can’t help but end on the saddest little boy every. “More. Ice cream. Pease.” I told him no and this is what happened…

Silly, silly boy…


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