Berlin Day 3

I forgot to say the most momentous thing that happened on Monday! I have been on subways all over the world. I have never been asked to show my ticket. I always have it, but they never ask. That changed yesterday. They did a ticket check and apparently it fell out of my pocket at some point during the day, because I could not find my ticket for anything. I ended up having to pay a 60 Euro fine. That was not fun...

Yesterday we wandered Berlin by ourselves. We started out walking through the Gate to get to the Reichstag.

Then we went to the Holocaust Memorial. We spent a lot of time there since both Pat and I are read-ever-word-in-the-museum sort of people. When the subject matter is really intense, it makes for a very emotionally draining experience.

From there, we went to lunch at the Sony Center.

We walked over to the site of Hitler's Bunker, where he killed himself at the end of the war. I thought we'd be able to see the actual bunker, but no. Apparently it was destroyed, so all we can see now is the site where it used to be.

We went to the Topography of Terror, which was the site of the SS headquarters. The Berlin Wall ran right in front of it too.

I took this exact same picture when I was here 13 years ago.

After reading about the horrible things that the SS did, Pat and I had to watch cute Gabe videos that my Mom sent, in order to clear our heads a bit. I think we've had enough of intense WWII history for a few days...

Our last stop for the day was Checkpoint Charlie.



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