Hasty Half

I ran a half marathon this morning! The last time I ran a half, I was recovering from a cold and I was pregnant (although I didn't find that out until 4 days later...). It was horrible. I spent the whole run coughing and blowing my nose, but I finished! Apparently Pat and my parents were discussing whether or not they needed to come and get me... It was miserable and it look me three hours even. I was the last person to finish that did not early start (which I really should have done). 

Then I found out I was pregnant, I ended up on bed rest, then the nicu and running got complicated. But I made it a point this  summer to start running again and it's been really good for me. And now I feel that I'm officially back running because I ran my 13.1 miles this morning!

Don't get me wrong, finishing those last few miles was tough. But I did it and I didn't walk at all, which I'm really proud of myself for. I even cut 25 minutes off of my time from that last terrible race. My first Klondike leg, which happened to be 13.1 miles is still by best half marathon time at 2:24, but at 2:35, I'm not too far off that pace. Maybe I'll pass it next year! ;)

I'm really sore tonight and hardly walking, so Pat may not be too excited about me trying to beat my time next year...

Pat and the kids met me at the end, which was really great. As soon as I crossed the line, Pat handed me Gabe, who was yelling "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy." As soon as I had him, he stole my water.

Eventually he let me have a drink. Then he decided to share by making me take a drink whenever he needed a break.

It was a really good run. But now I'm going to bed...


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