Random Gabe Notes

Random Gabe notes:

This morning Gabe was trying to get into the bathroom trash while saying "Doo Dooo".  I was not okay with him getting into the trash, so I told him no and moved him away from the trash.  He came back, still saying "Doo Dooo."  Then I discovered a toilet paper roll behind the trash can.  He wanted to use it as a trumpet. 

A few weeks ago, I got back from a run and needed to take a shower.  Bella was at a friend's house and Pat was working in the garage, so neither of them could watch Gabe.  I decided to just let him take a shower with me and see how it went.

I created a monster.

Now the kid loves to take a shower with me.  I can say the word shower and he jumps up and yells "A showa!"  He then jumps in the bathtub fully clothed.  If we're lucky, he'll take his boots off first.  It's pretty adorable.  Then he gets out of the shower dripping wet so that he can put his boots back on.

Seriously, he loves his boots.  He puts them on first think in the morning.  I have trouble putting his pjs on him because he tries to put on his boots after his pants come off but before the pjs are on.  He even tries to put them on over his shoes.

This is what happens when you give Gabe a spoon and a bowl of yogurt.  Man that kid can make a mess!

He's figured out how to climb on the chairs at the dinner table.  He hasn't climbed on the table yet, but it's just a matter of time.  This also means that nothing on the table is safe, including my breakfast...

He's using new words every day.  I think my favorite right now is "bana" (banana), which he yells all through the produce aisle of the grocery store when he's hungry.  He also thinks that a horse is called a neigh and he gets super excited when he sees one, yelling "A Neigh!!!"

Lastly, Bella had an appointment yesterday, so Gabe and I got to play while we waited.  Luckily, there were piles of toys.  Gabe found this Ken doll and as I watched him, I was struck with how much he's grown.  A Barbie doll (and I'd assume a Ken doll) are 10.5 inches tall.  Gabe was 11.5 when he was born.  If we put a top hat on Ken, we'd have Gabe, nearly two years ago.  And look at him now.  My how time has flown.  Sometimes I can't even believe that he was ever that tiny.



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