Pumpkin Carving

On Sunday, we spent the afternoon decorating the house for fall.

Every year Bella and I collect leaves for our leaf project. There are some really great trees over by daycare, so I've been collecting them for a couple of weeks on my way home and drying them. Now every day when we leave daycare, Gabe gets all excited to pick up a "fowler" (flower), which he carefully keeps track of the entire way home.

After collecting them and drying them for a couple of weeks, Bella and I finally had a chance to add the crayon shavings and iron them to decorate our window.

We also decided that it was a good day to carve a pumpkin. Gabe was excited to get in on this action.

Gabe was very excited to help clean out the pumpkin. We didn't let him anyway near the actual carving though...

Once he went to bed, Bella got to carving.

And we now have a beautifully carved pumpkin!



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