The Toddler Room

Two months ago, daycare told me that they wanted to start transitioning Gabe to the toddler room.  Obviously, I was not okay with this because he's my baby and he's never allowed to grow up.  But I did notice that he's acting like a toddler and talking and realistically, it is time.

Usually, they do a four week transition.  The first week they spend two hours in the toddler room.  Then the next week they add a bit more.  By the fourth week, they're spending most of the day over there.  They also switch two of the staff members for part of the day, so the kids have adults that they're used to, rather than suddenly getting a whole pile of new people.  It's a pretty good system.

The plan was to start Gabe's transition in September, so he'd be full time over there in October.  However, the kids go to the park every day and to walk to the park (which is half a block away), they all hold on to a rope and walk themselves.  They just weren't sure that Gabe would be quite ready to walk on the rope.  So they decided to do a slow transition.  He started spending time over there every day, but just when they were in the room, not when they were playing at the park.  The thought was to hopefully have him transitioned in November.

That plan worked out great...until last week.  Last week, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease started going around the toddler room.  Only three kids haven't gotten it yet, one of them being Gabe.  Since he was only there part time anyway, the ladies in the infant room would try to keep him over in the baby room, rather than running the risk of being exposed.  However, since he'd been over there at all, he definitely was exposed anyway.  I've spent the last week waiting for the phone call to tell me that he has it and I needed to come pick him up.  It doesn't help that he has a nasty cough, but I'm pretty sure that it's just a cold since he's been fighting with that longer than Hand, Foot and Mouth has been going around the daycare.  But still, he doesn't sound good.

Yesterday, I went to pick him up, and he wasn't in the infant room at all, he was in the toddler room.  Apparently he'd gotten a red spot, so they thought he had Hand, Foot and Mouth and they didn't want to expose the babies, so they sent him to the toddler room.  But then the spot went away, which is why I didn't get a phone call to come pick him up. Instead, he just spent the day with the big kids.  He loved it.  And he did great!  He took a nap on his mat with all the big kids. He even woke up before nap time was over and just laid quietly on his mat (which apparently never happens with new toddlers).  They put in him the carrier (rather than walking on the rope) to get to the park and he had a great time playing up there.  They were a bit concerned about him climbing up the stairs and going down the slide, but it's Gabe.  He was just fine.  So they moved all of his stuff over from the infant room and this morning I took him straight into the toddler room.  He is a baby no more!

And since they did this very suddenly, I didn't even have a change to get all emotional about it.  That may be a good thing...


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